Thursday, February 7, 2008

Photography and Leica

Photography: I don't know when it happened or how it happened, but I just fell in love with photography ever since I bought my first SLR camera eight years ago. Took one photography class - naively thinking that it would be just a one time thing - and have been a photography addict from that moment on. A while back I purchased my first digital camera - Leica and this tiny camera is now with me everywhere. photography enthusiasts will know, is not a's a Leica. Leica was founded by Oskar Barnack and introduced to the public in 1925 - It was the first portable, small camera. (Before that, camera was a traditional format that used heavy plates). Today, Leica is still coveted by many and is probably famous for its immaculate materials and lens.

Recently, I bought my first DSLR and is currently using my Canon 400D to take photos. I don't take pictures with my Leica as often as before, but this tiny camera will forever be my favorite.

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