Tuesday, February 12, 2008

One Special Teacher

This is a post dedicated to my art professor, who on this day, retired from teaching at the age of 62. I learned about his retirement through the alumni newsletter.

I can still remember the first day I met Prof. Thom. It was my freshman year - first class of the semester. Prof. Thom came into the room and probably seeing some doubts in our eyes (or was it because it was so early in the morning most of us weren't awake yet), he said 'All of you are special.' Okay, I thought. Totally weird.

I breezed through Freshman year and Prof. Thom's class. I didn't talk to him again until my senior year (because he mainly teaches introductory class) - when I was struggling through my senior projects. Much have passed during those three years and more doubts crept in - doubts about my ability as a designer, a painter and in general as a college student.

I met Prof. Thom by chance while he was smoking and I was lamenting about my senior projects. He came towards me, asked me how I was (terrible, can't you see from my facial expression?) told me he was assigned to be my advisor (really?) and told me that I would turn out to be something special (hangover again, prof?). Throughout that semester, he would made comments on my projects in detail as if he were analyzing the Sistine Chapel. By listening to his comments, I learn how to draw.

I wish I could go back in time and relive the experience again. Most of all, I wish I were back sitting on a bench in front of the Art building so that I could hear him tell me, one more time, that I was something special.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you ARE special, you just need to believe it yourself.